
Making Your Homeowners Claim Go Smoothly

Disasters happen unexpectedly and range from minor to devastating. When your home is damaged as a result, the last thing you need is the stress of filing your homeowners claim and waiting for it to be settled and paid. You can make the entire process painless by taking a few steps. That will not only prepare you to handle all of the intermittent details, but that will help you file your homeowners claim. If you follow them, you should find the process hassle free.

Preliminary Steps

As laborious and tedious as it might be, you need to create an accurate and specific inventory of your belongings. In fact, this step doesn’t have to be a hassle because there are websites that will keep this info for you. You should record the name, a brief but detailed description, serial and/or model numbers, and product numbers. Include electronics, appliances, and furniture, but don’t forget to add smaller, less expensive items as well. It doesn’t hurt to take photos. Give a copy to your agent to add to your homeowners claim. Always keep the originals for future use.

During the Process

The wait time for your homeowners claim to be processed and settled can become a disaster in itself. Take this time to make temporary repairs so that you can prevent any further damage to your home. This is required. However, you need to make sure that you report them. Make sure you keep all receipts for the material you purchase and any labor costs incurred. Report them immediately. Don’t wait. Stay in touch with your insurance adjuster and agent. Submit all documents as soon as possible. To make the process go even more quickly, make sure you sign and date where you are supposed to and that you understand the terms. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.

Upon Settlement

When you have filed all the necessary paperwork and the insurance company has processed your homeowners claim, you can rest easy knowing that you will have the money to complete permanent repairs. However, it is imperative that you don’t sign a contract with a contractor until your insurance company has paid your claim. It’s perfectly fine to research contractors and get estimates, but leave the commitment until you know how much your homeowners claim will be and you have received your money.


Managing your homeowners claim should be a smooth process if you follow all of the steps necessary to make sure there are no problems or concerns. It’s important to remember to keep a detailed record, prevent any further damage, and report any changes to your agent immediately. When you file your claim, it does not mean that you can immediately sign a contract with your favorite contractor. Wait until you receive your money to do that. No matter what, as a homeowner, you should be meticulous in your record keeping and reporting. There’s nothing like being prepared to file a claim and expedite a quick settlement, even when your stress is high.

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